piano sheet music

Theme from Jurassic Park – Sheet Music with Piano Accompaniment

It’s fun to play music with your friends! Print this arrangement of the opening theme from Jurassic Park by American composer, John Williams, and start jamming with your Flute, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Trumpet, Violin, Viola and Cello playing band and orchestra members!

Print Sheet Music

Theme from Jurassic Park – Flute & Piano
Theme from Jurassic Park – Clarinet & Piano
Theme from Jurassic Park – Trumpet & Piano
Theme from Jurassic Park – Alto Saxophone & Piano
Theme from Jurassic Park – Violin & Piano
Theme from Jurassic Park – Viola & Piano
Theme from Jurassic Park – Cello & Piano

About the Composer of the Theme from Jurassic Park

John Williams, composer of the Jaws Movie theme, has been writing music for over six decades. Have you seen Home Alone, E.T. Extra-terrestrial, Jurassic Park, Superman, and the first three Harry Potter films? These are just a few of the movies for which John Williams has composed musical scores. John Williams described his Jaws theme as “grinding away at you, just as a shark would do, instinctual, relentless, unstoppable.” John Williams has also composed concertos, sports event and news channel themes, such as the themes for the 1984 Summer Olympics and NBC Sunday Night Football. John Williams has written the scores for most of Stephen Spielberg’s feature films. He also served as the principal conductor for the Boston Pops orchestra from 1980 to 1993, and is currently the laureate conductor. John Williams has received 51 Academy nominations, with only Walt Disney receiving more.

Jurassic Park Quiz

Q1 What DNA is used to complete missing dinosaur genomes? 

Frog DNA are used to fill in missing genomes.

Q2 What is the name of the author of the book Jurassic Park is based on? 

Michael Crichton

Q3 What is the name of the country Jurassic Park is located in?

The film set is on a fictional island near Costa Rica.

Q4 What theory does mathematician Ian Malcolm use to predict the park collapse

Chaos Theory. The theory says small differences in initial conditions can result in widely divergent outcomes which will make a long-term prediction of the outcome impossible to predict.